Method, massage or perhaps therapy? In its essence, Reiki is a little bit from everyone. This ancient Japanese teaching works with the life energy that is all around us and, according to Reiki masters, can be transferred with the hands. It depends on you whether you will only receive the healing energy or learn to transmit it yourself.
What is Reiki?
The literal translation of the Japanese word rei-ki means universal healing energy. It is found all around us and it depends only on us whether we decide to use it for ourselves and to help others. The life-giving energy of reiki has surrounded us since forever, but the method itself is approximately three thousand years old.
How to work with reiki energy?
If you tune into reiki energy, you can take it from the surrounding space and give it to people who need it. Energy flows from the healer's palms directly to the place where it is lacking. For many, reiki means instant relief. It relaxes, relieves pain, accelerates the healing process, brings relaxation, harmonizes the chakras and the entire energy field. The body thus gets the opportunity to heal itself and return to balance.
Reiki symbols are sacred and secret
Reiki symbols come from the Japanese Kanji (character system for writing the Japanese language) and are considered sacred. Although you can look up the individual symbols, according to tradition, the student should become familiar with them through his teacher as part of the initiation into Reiki II. degree.
Among the most famous Reiki symbols are:
• Cho Ku Rei (Symbol of Power) - Strengthens the flow of energy, provides protection on all levels, removes negative energies, strengthens friendships and business relationships.
• Sei Hei ki (symbol of emotional healing) – Symbol of harmony and peace. It is used to balance both cerebral hemispheres, bringing inner and outer peace. Improves memory, helps overcome addictions to smoking, drugs, and alcohol. It helps to treat headaches.
• Hon Sha Zo Sho Nen (Remote Healing Symbol) – This symbol is used for distant healing. It helps heal traumas from the past or problems from past lives. It keeps body, spirit and mind in harmony.
• Dai Ko Myo (master symbol) – This symbol works on the crown chakra and helps us find the truth about who we really are. The symbol helps us in all aspects of our life, connects us with divine power and helps us heal ourselves and others.

How does reiki therapy work?
If you are not looking for a classic massage too much because you are not comfortable with it or you are ashamed, then you do not have to worry about reiki. This is an energetic massage, during which you are fully clothed. While you are lying or sitting in a pleasant environment, the reiki healer places his hands lightly on the head, limbs and torso for two to five minutes. He can also hold them just above his body without touching you.
During reiki therapy, the energy flow is balanced and blockages are removed, the body begins to clean and heal itself. You can easily recognize this - you will feel a pleasant warmth and relaxation, especially in the chest area, because the energy is received through the heart chakra.
You do not need to prepare in any way for reiki therapy. On the contrary, after the treatment it is advisable to rest more and drink enough fluids.
How to learn Reiki?
You can not only receive Reiki energy, but also use it yourself. The good news is that you don't need any supernatural powers to do this. It is enough to go through initiation into Reiki, which has three levels.
• During initiation to the first level of reiki, the reiki master uses symbols to open and harmonize your chakras with the universal energy of reiki. At this moment, healing energy flows through you, which you can use on yourself, but also on your loved ones.
• After being initiated into the second level of reiki, you will be able to work with reiki energy at a distance in space and time.
• If you reach the third level of reiki, you become a master and teacher. This means that you can pass on your knowledge and experience to other Reiki students.
5 reasons to get initiated into Reiki
• You become a medium through which the healing energy of reiki flows.
• You can transfer energy to yourself, other people, animals, plants and stones, even at a distance, into the past or into the future.
• By practicing Reiki, you strengthen your immune system, find balance and gain greater sensitivity to energies.
• You can better protect yourself from negative energies.
• With new knowledge, new possibilities open up for you on your spiritual path.