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Writer's picture: Maya JakubMaya Jakub

What is yogic Sun Salutation - Surya Namaskar?

In Sanskrit, Surya means Sun and Namaskar means Salutation full of devotion and love. Surya Namaskar is a unique combination of yogic exercise that prepares the being well for the practice of asanas, and which is also complete in its own way. Surya Namaskar strengthens the muscles of the whole body and causes a double harmonic acceleration of the breath and heart rate, but without inducing a state of fatigue or loss of breath.

Surya Namaskar is a continuous sequence of 12 movements, repeated several times to keep our muscular system "warm" for the duration of the activity, which allows the performance of the asana(s) in Hatha Yoga with maximum effectiveness. Sun salutation is also an excellent exercise for "relaxing" the muscles, in this case it is especially faster and more dynamic compared to the usual yogic positions (asanas). In the same way, Sun Salutation can be a separate set of exercises that can be successfully applied outside of Hatha Yoga practice.

How can we learn Surya Namaskar?

At first glance, when we take a quick look at the illustrations of this technique, we may think that it is something very complicated, but upon careful analysis, we all realize that in reality the complexity is only apparent. In fact, this entire exercise consists of only six simple movements, which are then continued in the opposite direction, forming double sets of 12 movements.

Start of exercise

Continuous concentration and attentive and active participation of the mind are essential in the correct execution of the Sun Salutation.

Every step requires active participation of consciousness. While realizing Surya Namaskar, we should not think of anything else, which will cause us to avoid gradual mental drift and "fleeting" attention. At the same time, we maintain a certain tempo that remains constant in all other transitions of the Sun Salutation. This is very important.

Only the first two exercises can be practiced a little slower and not necessarily perfected, because at first the muscles are a little stiff, especially in the morning. During the exercise, we should be oriented towards the sun or the east. It is also important to evoke a clear state and keep in mind a firm and steady image of the mighty power of the solar disc. While practicing, we can also meditate on the Sun as the true provider and giver of all life on Earth.

Solar yang energy

All of our energy, even that which we use to perform Sun Salutations, will take on a level of brightness and radiance (after being resonantly attuned) because even this essence-derived energy that is constantly exhibited and synthesized in the body emanates directly from light that is emitted by the Sun. Moreover, every atom in our body was at some point a part of a star like the Sun or the Sun itself. Next, we can think deeper and deeper, focusing on the divine cosmic energy that manifests as the Sun.

Gradually, if we consistently and persistently practice the Yogic Salutation to the Sun, we will discover in the hidden and deeply spiritual meanings of the Yogic Sun Salutation, which will cease to be just a simple set of exercises for us, an ineffable action gradually involving our entire being, which will enable our development on all levels. With this constant inner attitude, the subtle solar energy (HA +) yang that we absorbed with the Sun Salutation will always be enormous.


In general, women should not practice Sun Salutations during their menstrual cycle, at least for the first two days of the cycle. However, it depends on the contraindications of each woman's individual situation. Also, the practice of Surja Namaskar is possible for expectant mothers up to the beginning of the 5th month of pregnancy, and after childbirth, the practice is possible only gradually, depending on how the energy flows and how the body returns to normal.


Synchronization of the breath with the performed movement is essential for the correct execution of the yogic Sun Salutation. This synchronization, although it may seem very complex at first sight, is actually the breathing tempo naturally complemented by the tempo of the movements, and we can see that it would be even more difficult to breathe differently than we indicated, even if we feel that we will suffocate very quickly. Instead, when we synchronize movements and breathing in the right way, we will verify that we will be able to continue to perform a large number of sets of movements without fatigue and especially without unnecessary waste with our breath.

Beneficial effects of technology

Here are some of the spectacular effects achieved on the physical level by the elderly who stayed at the Swami Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh:

• removal of excess fat on the entire surface of the body

• reducing the natural enlargement of the uterus

• improving digestion

• stopping hair loss

• reviving the natural color of the nails

• fresh appearance and fresh skin color

• earlier smelly perspiration gradually becomes odorless

It is very common to see astonishing rejuvenation in elderly people who persistently practice Surya Namaskar.

When practicing yogic Sun Salutation, age has almost no meaning. For example, in India it is very common for people in their 60s and 70s, including women with up to 10 children, to change almost miraculously after a few months of continuous Surya Namaskar practice.

Systematic and permanent practice of Yogic Sun Salutation can radically shorten the duration of diseases such as digestive disorders, constipation, irregular menstruation or apathy. Surya Namaskar is also very helpful in removing lethargy, pessimism, laziness and various diseases based on the formation of very intense solar (HA), emitting, dynamic (yang (+)) action.

Like active sexual abstinence, abstinence can be easily achieved and maintained through the daily practice of Sun Salutations. Dhirendra Brahmachari, a famous yogi, says that the Sun Salutation allows us to store a large amount of subtle solar (HA) energies (prana) in our being, and thus our physical body becomes very bright, like the Sun. At the same time, like the Sun, this exercise has 12 parts.

Many yogis, both in India and around the world, practice the Yogic Sun Salutation. The beneficial effects of this relatively simple set of exercises will appear to all those who perform it regularly.

The main benefits of the yogic Sun Salutation:

• Sun salutation can be practiced by anyone, both alone and in groups, at any time of the year, as it can be performed equally well indoors or outdoors. However, it should be mentioned that its significant effects will appear a little faster if it is performed in nature at dawn.

• Surya Namaskar does not take more than 3-10 minutes a day. This set of exercises does not limit its activity to a certain part of the body, it works without problems on the whole body.

• Sun salutation requires no equipment and costs nothing. To practice Surya Namaskar, we only need a space of 2 m2 and a blanket to sit on.

• Sun salutation stimulates the entire digestive system by stretching and then compressing the abdomen, and thus a deep massage exercise of all internal organs: liver, stomach, spleen, intestines, kidneys, activates digestion and quickly removes constipation.

• Sun salutation gradually strengthens the abdominal area, preserves and restores the places of the abdominal organs (if they are moved!). And so the collection of blood in the abdominal organs is quickly suppressed.

• Surya Namaskar is a harmonious combination of movements and synchronized breathing, and precisely because of this, the lungs are deeply ventilated, the blood is oxygenated and detoxified, and there is a massive expulsion of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases from the respiratory tract. In addition, proper heart activity is achieved and increased blood circulation is active throughout the body. This is one of the basic conditions of health. Yogic Sun Salutation also combats high blood pressure and heart palpitations, so hands and feet that are cold become warm.

• Sun Salutation stimulates the entire nervous system due to the gradual stretching and bending of the spine. To achieve harmony, it normalizes the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Thus, sleep becomes deeper and more peaceful, and memory is much better.

• Saluting the sun quickly removes fear, inner tension and calms anxiety. Under normal circumstances, nerve cells regenerate more slowly than other cells in the body, but with persistent and regular practice of Surya Namaskar, we gradually restore the normal functioning of the brain.

• Surya Namaskar stimulates and stabilizes the glands with internal secretion, especially the thyroid gland, thanks to neck compression movements.

• Sun Salutation improves the appearance of the skin, because by activating the overall blood circulation throughout the body, it makes the skin more capable of removing a large amount of toxins, especially if this entire performance continues until light sweat. In any case, the Sun Salutation brings positive changes to the appearance of the skin, which it is known as a mirror, reflecting our state of health. This skin doctor makes the skin glow, the skin is well hydrated and rejuvenated.

• Sun salutation generally strengthens the whole body: the neck, shoulders, arms, wrists, fingers, back, pelvis, abdominal area, thighs, feet and ankles are gradually strengthened without becoming too bulky. We know that strengthening the back muscles is a simple but very effective way to fight against all disorders that can occur in the pelvis.

• Sun salutation significantly improves the appearance and posture (position) of the bust in women. The chest (breasts) develops normally and becomes (again) firm and flexible.

• Surya Namaskar stimulates the beneficial activity of the uterus and ovaries and thus eliminates irregular menstruation and suppresses the specific pains associated with it. Also in the case of pregnancy, if Sun Salutation is practiced, childbirth is easier and less painful.

• Saluting the sun prevents hair loss and also reduces the natural tendency towards graying and bleaching of hair.

• Salutation to the sun removes the negative effects of high heels, too tight shoes, a belt or new or very tight clothing, and at the same time prevents flat feet and strengthens the ankles.

• Surya Namaskar reduces excess fat, especially filling "luxury" fat on the abdomen, hips, thighs, neck and chin.

• Sun salutations reduce the bulging abnormal Adam's apple (bulging bite) as the gradual forward rotation of the neck achieves thyroid retraction.

• Sun Salutation removes unpleasant body odor by supporting our natural cleansing through the skin, lungs, intestines and kidneys.

• Surya Namaskar stimulates and improves natural resistance to disease by strengthening the foundation (physical body) and immune system.

• Saluting the sun creates the ideal shape of our body (without exaggerating muscle mass) and harmoniously reduces excess fat.

• Coordinated movement occurs with the Sun Salutation.

• Salutation to the sun perfectly prepares as the basis of gymnastic exercises for generally different sports.

• Sun salutations are the fastest way to create and forever maintain an inner state of youthful mind. It is an invaluable asset for everyone. In addition, it is wonderful to always feel prepared with confidence and courage to face serious hardships and thus experience intense and deeply authentic joy all the time.

• In short, Surya Namaskar opens the door to the issues of perfect health, strength, harmony, efficiency and longevity, all of which should be normal characteristics of every human being for harmonious integration with the macrocosm.


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