In nature, everything happens in cycles. The cycle of life is endless. Seasons repeat constantly, the moon waxes and wanes. Every day the Sun rises, which is the source of energy for all life on planet Earth and is rightfully so worshiped in many religions and philosophies. The Sun Salutation also comes from Indian Ayurveda, the science of the art of living.
This is the most common and today also the best-known set of yoga positions, a dynamic exercise that consists of several flowing asanas. Like the Sun, this set is supposed to be a source of new energy. It calms a distracted mind, strengthens the musculoskeletal system and flexibility. It has a beneficial effect on the entire internal organs and glands with internal secretion.
The Sun Salutation supports detoxification processes in the body all the more if the set is repeated several times in a row. According to yogic tradition, the Sun Salutation is repeated 108 times. The 108 Sun Salutations are practiced in times of fundamental changes and upheavals. From the point of view of natural cycles, it is the day of the spring or autumn equinox or the summer and winter solstice.
The number 108 is a magical number that is steeped in mysticism. In Eastern cultures, the number 108 is considered sacred. And not only there, but also in Christianity.
What are the meanings of this esoteric number and where can we find it?
• In Buddhism, 108 gods are worshiped and 108 vows are observed.
• "Japa mala" (necklace used for chanting mantras) has 108 beads. It counts back and forth, never round. Just as yogis repeat their physical exercises 108 times to stir up the energy in the body, Buddhists repeat their mantras 108 times so that the energy of the words resonates throughout the body and gains strength. The so-called counter serves them as a counter of recited mantras. Japa Mala (tentwa), a traditional Buddhist rosary. It has 108 beads made of wood, fruits and seeds, precious stones or even animal or human bones. Be amazed, the Christian rosary also carries 108 beads.
• There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, 54×2, where 1x symbolizes Shiva – male energy and 1x symbolizes Shakti – female energy.
• Buddha, or Siddhartha Gautama (the founder of Buddhism) has 108 names.
• From the Vedic period, secret teachings have been preserved for the most advanced followers of the so-called Upanishads. The most important ones are 108.
• Buddhist temples have 108 steps. The New Year is welcomed by Japanese Buddhists with 108 bells.
• This number represents the whole of existence, it is said that there are 108 meditations, 108 paths to God, Indian traditions have 108 forms of dance, in Hinduism there are also 108 names of gods, many Buddhist temples have exactly 108 steps.
• There are 108 holy places all over India.
• We also have 108 sacred places (points) on the body called marma points. These so-called Marma points connect the physical, spiritual and emotional side of each person.
• There are 108 energetic pathways (nadis) making up the heart chakra.
• A historical monument such as Stonehenge has an average of 108 feet.
• It is said that if one practices pranayama (breathing technique) with only 108 breaths, the day of enlightenment will come.
• But most importantly, 108 is also a sacred number for the Slavs - at the end of the year (which occurs on the day of the autumnal equinox), the bell rings 108 times to end the old year and welcome the new one. Each clink represents one of the 108 earthly temptations that a person must overcome to achieve enlightenment.
• In geometry, this number is a natural division of the circle (108=36+72=9×12).
• A leap year has 366 days, 3 x 6 x 6 is 108.
• The distance between the Earth and the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Sun, the diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth, according to ancient texts the universe consists of 108 elements.
• One of the most used esoteric symbols is the pentagram, i.e. regular pentagon. Its sides form an angle of 108 degrees.
• There are 12 houses in Astrology and until recently there were also 9 planets. 12 x 9 = 108.
• The number 12 is often found in our lives and traditions. Twelve months of the year, twelve hours, twelve chambers and the thirteenth is secret...
• If we add the digits of the number 108, the result is the number 9. If we multiply the number of months in the year by the number 9, we get the number 108 again.