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  • Writer's pictureMaya Jakub

Chakras are energy centers through which cosmic energy flows into the human body. Using the exercises of the Yoga System in daily life, it is possible to awaken these centers that are in every person. Chakras have a great influence on several levels of our existence.

There are eight main chakras and each of them is associated with certain aspects of our being:

• Muladhara chakra- root center,

• Swadhisthana chakra – lower abdominal center,

• Chakra manipura – navel center,

• Anahata chakra – heart center,

• Vishuddhi chakra – throat center,

• Ajna chakra – the center between the eyebrows,

• Bindu chakra – lunar center,

• Sahasrara chakra – crown center.

There are many other centers that are spread throughout the body. Their energy and vibrations vary according to their location and properties.

Chakras have a great influence on several levels of our being.

The first level is physical. In the places where the chakras are located in the body, there are glands, organs and nerves that can be activated by breathing exercises, meditation, asanas and mantras.

The second level is the astral level. Vibrations and energy flow in the chakras affect our consciousness and our physical health. Improper diet, inappropriate company and negative thoughts weaken or block the energy of the chakras, as a result of which various disorders and diseases arise in the mind and body.

In a natural state, the energy of the chakras moves in a clockwise direction. With a little practice, one can feel the emanation of the chakras using the palms and determine the direction of its rotation. If we hold our hand about a centimeter above where the chakra is located, and if we make slow circular movements in a clockwise direction for a few minutes, we can direct the flow of energy in the chakra in the right direction.

The third chakra level is the spiritual level from which we receive intuition, wisdom and knowledge. The energy that awakens all the chakras is called Kundalini. Kundal means snake, so this energy is also referred to as "snake power". The rising of the kundalini is a process that takes place primarily in consciousness. It is about expanding and clarifying consciousness and multiplying life energy. Awakening the kundalini brings liberation from ignorance, illusions and doubts and develops wisdom, self-discipline and self-control.

There are five chakras along the spine, which are related to normal human existence, and there are three in the head area, the so-called divine chakras. Their radiation and energy guide us on the spiritual path. In the area from the toes to the base of the spine lie the chakras associated with animal consciousness. We should not concentrate on them, so as not to stimulate and awaken the animal nature in ourselves, which we have already overcome as humans.

On this journey, we are confronted with all our qualities and character traits until we completely purify them. In the ajna chakra we come to self-knowledge. In the bindu chakra we experience the immortality of the atma (Self) and in the sahasrara chakra there is the development of the highest consciousness and the unification of the individual and the Divine Self. We humans have a unique opportunity to rise to the highest consciousness and come to know God. The system of Yoga in daily life and its part called self-knowledge meditation lead us in this direction.

Symbols and properties of the eight main chakras

Each chakra is assigned one lotus flower, one symbol, one mantra, one color, one element, one animal, and one deity. These symbolic images depict the characteristics of each chakra and help us discover and intuitively sense their various attributes in meditation. Using a mantra that corresponds to a given chakra, we can awaken and strengthen its energy.

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