By regularly practicing yoga, it is possible to keep the body vital and healthy until old age. Yoga exercises have a medically proven stimulating and regulatory effect on all body systems, including glands, organs and the nervous system, and simultaneously regenerate and purify the entire body. For example, the rhythmic alternation of stretching and stretching with the contraction and bending of individual parts of the body during asana practice causes blood and lymph to be pushed out of the vessels, while after such a short restriction of blood circulation, there is an increased supply of fresh blood to the relevant organs. This leads to a better supply of oxygen and nutrients to the body and at the same time to an accelerated removal of toxins and waste products.
In the stretching phase in the asana, a slight pressure is exerted on the basic substance, on the area between the cells, which ensures the transfer of information between them. Yoga asanas improve this function and thus act against the accumulation of fluids in the tissues, improve the outflow of lymph and the excretion of waste substances by the kidneys. The lymphatic system ensures the transfer of fatty parts of the diet into the bloodstream and the removal of waste substances from the tissues. It is of considerable importance for immunity, so yoga asanas significantly strengthen the immune system. The skin, our largest sensory organ, remains more flexible and thus younger thanks to alternating tension and relaxation.
In particular, inverted postures such as viparita karani mudra, sarvanga asana, and shirsha asana improve blood circulation in the upper body, prevent blood pooling in the veins of the lower body, and increase blood pressure. Even dynamic asanas lead to a slight increase in blood pressure and to the reduction of blood circulation disorders. On the contrary, relaxation after asanas (and of course deep relaxation in yoga nidra) causes a conscious switch of the organism from sympathetic to parasympathetic, i.e. from activity, increased blood pressure and accelerated heart rate to silence, drop in blood pressure and slower heart rate.